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September 2014:Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting
@Tonkon Torp LLP-1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland 9/8/2014
5:45-7:45 PM

Board Members Present: Nicole Aas-Rouxparis, Shouka Rezvani, Karyn Warner, Jarod Hobbs, Dory Hobbs, Robyn Pfeifer
Others: Jeff Scott, Eric Bishton (Safety Committee Chair)
Educators present: Chantal Dufour-Martel



  1. Adoption of August Board Minutes – Nicole moved to accept, Karyn seconded, all in favor.

  2. Eric Bishton: Safety Update – 30 min per month safety programming is required.  Eric will work with Chantal to ensure that this occurs. Shouka requested that the first safety training be with a police officer teaching students about what not to touch or pick up in an urban environment. Other possible topics are stranger danger, inappropriate touching, fire safety, calling 911, and what to do in an earthquake. All of such safety trainings  shall be conducted by professionals recognized in their field as qualified to give such trainings. Eric will send a list to the board. The board and Chantal agree that a classroom approach rather than large assemblies will make more sense for these given space constraints. Eric would like to have buckets and cat litter purchased as part of our emergency kits to be used for waste in the event of an emergency, to be stored with the water barrels, and will compile a list of items to be purchased and will work with Chantal to inform staff of their location.

    Eric will also create a list of extra first aid supplies to keep stocked and stored at Terry’s desk and in the A200 Supply Room.

    Eric will be in charge of scheduling all fire drills, in collaboration with Chantal.  The first drill is 9/10/14 at 10 a.m.

  3. Summer Picnic Review and Feedback: The picnic at Blue Lake was a good time and venue, and seemed well- received by all attendees. The board extended thanks to Patrick and Karyn Warner for being in charge of the primary food and grilling work. The organic snow cones were popular.  Next year we should ask people to leave their dogs at home, in accordance with park rules.

  4. Chantal:  Back to School Update: Space sharing issues between the landlord and school have arisen, and are being addressed.

    We need a longer roster of possible substitutes for various positions.

    Chantal had to rework the Zumba schedule. The teacher notified her that the schedule is not working for her. Chantal will ask the Zumba instructor which classes she can and can’t take and will advise the Board of what dates and times may need to be filled by a different PE instructor.

    Chantal is working with the possible “Director position” consultant and will present a proposal to the Board.

    Chantal is going to train teachers in RtI (Response to Intervention) and Shouka stressed the need for the school to adopt a written RtI policy. Shouka will send all materials that have been drafted to date on Le Monde’s RtI to Chantal for revision and to propose a final version to the Board for adoption.

    Chantal and teachers would like to move from Positive Discipline to PBIS strategies. Chantal indicated she met with our PPS representatives and they discussed the use of PBIS by Le Monde and they seemed fine with us moving forward with that model. They expressed pleasure that school had started PD training with a professional positive behavioral strategist. The board requested that Chantal advise PPS in writing that we are shifting from the use of Positive Discipline to PBIS, the system most PPS schools use.  Chantal wants teachers to teach to mastery so that students meet expectations consistently.

    IDAPEL, DIBELS, and MAP will be our testing platforms again this year. Practicing computer literacy in the interim is important. The board will ask Michal McCamman, the parent volunteer who coordinated MAP testing last year, to meet with Chantal to continue with implementation of that testing.

    Chantal will work with the teachers at the appropriate time to appoint classroom parents who will be in charge of obtaining classroom-related volunteers for the teachers and doing other tasks at teacher discretion. The PA Chair will serve as a volunteer liaison such that Chantal can advise the PA Chair of school-wide volunteer needs and the PA Chair will help fill those needs, whether by maintaining volunteer lists for specific types of needs, creating sign-up geniuses for specific tasks, or whatever Chantal determines is needed.

    Chantal needs clarification on contracts/benefits. Jarod will work on bringing staff up to speed.

  5. Le Monde Programs LLC Update – AFCA is up and running. The new LMP website has been down a few times and as the program is being put in place a few families have indicated that they have been unable to access the site to make payments. The site currently is up and running.  The Programs staff will need some oversight to ensure that all employment matters are current. Shouka, Nicole and Jarod will work together to ensure that the staff have resources to have questions answered.

  6. Lunch Status Update – Karyn reported on status of lunch program and adjustments that need to be made. Staffing is too onerous with plating lunches and the board agreed to move toward sack lunches starting October 1.

  7. Facility – The board needs to continue to actively consider other potential sites, given constraints of our current location.  The Facility Committee has been actively evaluating other potential sites, but will also continue working with the current landlord to meet needs.