Board Meeting Minutes
@Tonkon Torp LLP-1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland
November 9, 2015
5:45-8:00 PM
Board Members Present: Shouka Rezvani, Dory Hobbs, Jarod Hobbs, Karen Kitchen, Jeffrey Scott, Karyn Warner
Others: Chantal Dufour-Martel
- Unanimous approval of October minutes
- Unanimous approval of Q1 Financials previously submitted to PPS.
- School Update from Chantal
- Edline is working, and teachers need to notify parents when they post anything, as parents don’t get automatic notifications.
- Fall IDAPEL and DIBELS testing is complete, Chantal will present results to the board in December, parents will receive student scores at the parent/teacher conferences.
- Chantal is working on teacher evaluations. For the moment teachers will continue to be evaluated at least twice a year, pending a change in board policy. Karen Kitchen shared information about a program called Teachscape that correlates with the evaluation tools used at PPS.
- Sidsel has observed all of the classroom teachers and provided professional development feedback regarding how to align with the Singapore Math method of instruction.
- Equity Reflection. With board approval Shouka sent an email to the community asking if people would like to be involved in the SOAR Committee, tasked with ensuring equity in education and inclusion. There will be a meeting on November 30. The committee will lay out around ten points to focus on and create an action plan for the year. Karen Kitchen shared materials on Native American Heritage Month. Oregon Historical Society has downloads, and a visit there is recommended. Next winter they will open a history hub that will reflect Oregon’s multicultural background. The Smithsonian has posters and materials that are recommended as well. Karen is available to visit and do crafts with classes and support Native American studies at the school and will discuss a visit later in the year with Chantal and Shouka.
- Student Leave of Absence Policy. After ten consecutive days of missed classes, students automatically are unenrolled under PPS policies. To date, the Head of School has had discretion to provide student leaves of absences. The board updated the policy on a going forward basis as follows:
For any student not already on a leave of absence permitted by the school, any student who is absent from school for 10 consecutive school days automatically will be unenrolled at the end of the 10th day, unless the student is granted a leave of absence that is requested prior to automatic un-enrollment. Reasonable leaves of absence may be granted by the Head of School for medical reasons related to the student or a member of the student’s household, provided that a doctor’s note is provided to the school office. To request a leave of absence other than for a medical reason, the student’s family must make a written request to the Le Monde Immersion Board prior to automatic un-enrollment through the Executive Director. The Board may grant reasonable leaves after consideration of the facts and circumstances, including but not limited to the voluntary or involuntary nature of the leave and the requested duration of the leave.
Students who are automatically un-enrolled will be compelled to re-apply to the school for admittance if the school determines that there is an available space, and will be subject to regular lottery and waitlist requirements. Students are not admitted to Le Monde after second grade under current policies.
- The school is modifying its snack policy such that any items other than candy or soda may be sent from home for consumption during snack time. The school is no longer providing milk to those who are not on the school lunch program, as the expense associated with providing free milk was significant.
- Financial Review, including enrollment update. Enrollment is not where it needs to be. As a result, the school will have a substantial income deficiency over the course of the year unless we increase enrollment or generate additional revenue. Substantial fundraising is necessary. The Board and Chantal reviewed an email to send to the community in this regard.
- Fundraising Update. School pictures generated over $4,000 gross; over $3,000 net. There will be a wreath fundraiser that should generate revenue. The Winterhawks have agreed to do a Le Monde fundraiser. The Holiday Bazaar is coming together. A parent has agreed to create a website where people can purchase Le Monde swag (t-shirts and bags, etc.) in order to generate funds. Fundraisers will continue to be key to ensure cash flow.
- Health Curriculum Review. Shouka found several options, with slightly varying main themes. One might be available in French, she will report back.
- Discussion of Middle School Planning. Shouka and Dory met and discussed possibilities for structuring the planned middle school. They have planned visits with different schools to explore potential models; most of these visits will occur in January.