Board Meeting
@Tonkon Torp LLP-1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland
5:45-8:15 PM
Board Members Present: Shouka Rezvani, Nicole Aas-Rouxparis, Karyn Warner, Dory Hobbs, Jarod Hobbs, Robyn Pfeifer
Educators present: Chantal Dufour-Martel
Others: Karen Kitchen, Program Director, PPS Title VII Indian Education
- Adoption of October Board Minutes – Shouka moved, all were in favor.
- Chantal: School Update.The school earned a free uniform day for reaching the goal made for the Run for the Arts.
We asked the landlord to mount the flag mounts but they still have not done so. Shouka will request that these be done again.
Smarter Balanced testing will be done this spring in the third grade this year per state requirements. Chantal is the test coordinator who will attend trainings and disseminate information. Terry will work with our IT contractor to contact PPS and prepare the Chromebooks for testing use. Technology education needs to be stepped up in the meantime. Chantal looked at a few programs – Tap Touche, which is in French, and Dance Mat Typing, which is an English language option, and aligned to common core technology requirements. MAPS testing for Math will start on Wednesday, and will provide good practice for computerized testing.
PBIS implementation – the PBIS team is Anou, Yann, Chantal, and Joanie. They are meeting regularly and working together on a consequences chart for undesirable behavior.
Status of RtI implementation – The RtI process was adopted and interventions and supports are being put into place.
Staff Review Plan – Chantal is hoping to complete this in December. December is filling up, so time must be made for this.
- Lunch Program Update – The new menu edits have increased consumption. The favorite items are more in the rotation and we got rid of several menu items altogether.
- Enrollment Status Update – Enrollment is holding steady and the few openings are being filled.
- Le Monde Programs LLC Update – The AFCA program is beginning to make more money and approaching the goal. The handbook for Le Monde programs has been adopted via email vote, which was confirmed again at the meeting. The extra room across the hall from Chantal’s office is in use now for the first part of AFCA.
- Fundraising/Financial Update – The audit is complete and is “clean.” Our tax return is due on Monday and Shouka will send it to the board for approval by email as soon as the accountants finalize it.
- Internship Program Discussion – This requires host families. Dory would spearhead this in 2015-2016 if teachers express enough interest. Nicole can also work on setting up an internship exchange with Lewis & Clark students, on a semester basis. University of Portland is also a possibility.
- SOAR/Equity in Education Discussion – Shouka is reading the Courageous Conversations book that PPS lists on the equity portion of the website. She has tried to contact the company that does the Courageous Conversations training but they have not been responsive. Shouka has asked our PPS charter contact twice for equity training information, but has not yet received a response. Shouka is meeting with some parents to discuss experiences at the school, and also with Karen Kitchen, Program Director of PPS Title VII Indian Education, to get her input as to how best the school should approach issues of equity in education.
- Facility Discussion – Potential locations are being actively evaluated. Shouka again met with the real
estate broker to discuss options. PPS removed Smith Elementary from the market.