Board Meeting
@Tonkon Torp LLP-1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland May 12, 2015
5:45-8:00 PM
Present: Shouka Rezvani, Dory Hobbs, Karyn Warner, Karen Kitchen, Jeff Scott, Nicole Aas-Rouxparis Educators present: Chantal Martel-Dufour, Joseph McFadden, Yann Renimel
- Approve April Board Minutes. Nicole moved, Jeff seconded, all in favor.
- Brief Discussion of Iron Chef and Spectacle. The event was a success. Some felt it should be moved back to Tonkon, as being a nicer venue and free. Some suggested that the silent auction should occur in the same room as the event, but this also will serve as a distraction from the event. Having the student art for sale was an excellent addition to the evening.
- School Update from Chantal, including overview of assessment data.
- Assessment download was not working, so assessment data will be reviewed next month.
- Teachers have been asked to compile a math inventory list so that we may place next year’s curriculum order
- The teachers have discussed three potential new FLA reading programs. The preference at this point is likely Mille Feuilles (Nathan publisher). Since this material is for native speakers, we will likely start with a one year lag, so we will by CE2 (3rd grade) materials for the 4th graders.
- ELA update – The ELA teachers want to supplement the curriculum program with a novel study. Karyn, Shouka and Jeff will consult with resources to send potential novel options to Molly Sloan.
- We are in the second week of Smarter Balanced testing for Third Graders. Next week will be Math. The state has indicated that it will likely provide results in July.
- The Science curriculum consultant will meet with teachers in August.
- Kids are eating in the classroom for Gr K and 1. It is working well.
- Terry and Chantal have asked teachers for inventories for the classrooms in preparation for the move.
- The back to school training schedule is nearly complete now. Teachers will have First Aid/SPR, Creative Writing, PBIS, Singapore Math and other trainings.
- Dory and Chantal attended the Alliance Francaise education committee meeting. The school will look into the cost of participating in Bastille Day this year.
- Shouka met with the chair of Hope Chinese and will look into collaborating by sharing trainers and resources in the future.
- Facility Committee Update. The board has two options under consideration, one of which may not work for city permitting reasons. Both have pros and cons. If there is only one remaining option after discussions with the city, then the board will need to move forward quickly. Visa processing for teachers, curriculum orders, etc. are all being held up pending the location determination.
- Update re Interns. Dory is gathering information on potential interns and host families. We will need host families for fall and spring, as well as support families who will basically serve a hospitality function.
- Financial Review. The school is operating within budget. Fundraising is important for both locations the school is considering for next year. Cash flow will be tight as we will not be receiving any extended day Kindergarten fees this year, and PPS doesn’t give its first real funding distribution until October,
even though teacher payroll and other costs continue through the summer. - Discussion of Specials Next Year (Chinese, Art, Dance, Yoga, Zumba). This will be moved to next month’s meeting.