Board Meeting
Tonkon Torp LLP, 1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204
Wednesday, March15, 2017
(14th floor—enter from 16th floor and walk down stairs)
5:45-8 PM
- Approve consent resolutions and leave request (January Board Minutes) (5 min)
- Equity Reflection/Equity and Inclusivity in Education Committee update (10 min)
- School Report from Chantal (20 min)
- Facility Discussion (10 min)
- Approve 2017/2018 calendar (10 min)
- Financial Review (Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet through February (10min)
- Approve Budget for 2017/2018 (20 min)
- Le Monde Programs LLC Report (10 min)
- Executive Session (HR Discussion) (25 min)