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February 2018: Board Meeting Agenda

Board Meeting Agenda
Mercy Corp, 45 SW Ankeny, Portland, Oregon (call 503-333-7086 if having issues entering
Wednesday, February 13, 2018
5:45 PM-8 PM


  1. Approve consent resolutions since last meeting (Charter Renewal paperwork, Q2 Financials) and December minutes (5 min)
  2. School Report (25 min)
  3. 2018/2019 Calendar Review and Approval (10 min)
  4. Intern Committee Report (5 min)
  5. Equity and Inclusivity in Education Committee Report (5 min)
  6. Background Check Process (10 min)
  7. Facility Discussion (10 min)
  8. Financial and Fundraising Update (10 min)
  9. Le Monde Programs LLC Discussion (15 min)
  10. Executive Session (HR Discussion) (45 min)