Board Meeting Minutes
Tonkon Torp LLP, 1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204
August 9, 2016
5:45-8:00 PM
Board Members Present: Dory Hobbs, Jarod Hobbs, Jeffrey Scott, Shouka Rezvani, Karen Kitchen, Ben Melix, Nicole Aas-Rouxparis
- Approve consent resolutions since previous month. Approved June Board minutes, review and approval of Q4 financials, decision not to continue pursuing portables currently, and PPS Accountability Plan.
- Facility Discussion. Board had made decision via email not to pursue the placement of portable classroom units onsite. After numerous back and forth discussions over the course of the year with the planning department it was finally made clear that they would not approve the portables because of a zoning requirement that the portable be within a certain number of feet of both Ankeny and Burnside streets, which was not possible absent an appeal that would involve a hearing and public notice (a process that the city indicated would take many months and they did not believe would eventually be approved). The portables company also indicated that the state approvals of the portable with respect to electric permitting would expire if the portable was not placed prior to September 15. Decision made to combine 3rd grade classrooms and 4th grade classrooms and notify staff and then families. The board through Facility Committee will continue to search for possible expansion spaces, as well as funding opportunities.
- Intern Committee Discussion. We will be having 5 interns from France; just receive one new one. Still need two host families. Will continue publicizing this need. Working on forming an Intern Committee to help with orientation of interns and host families.
- Financial Review. Q4 financials were reviewed. Year-end actual results lead to some suggested revisions to the 2016/2017 operating budget, which the board reviewed and approved and directed Shouka to provide to PPS. We will have cash flow issues going into the year as there are minimal cash reserves. Fundraising will remain key. The Financial Policy was amended and updated and board approved. Insurance renewal proposal was reviewed and approved.
- Teacher and Administrator Review Rubrics. PPS has a new requirement that we submit a teacher review rubric and an administrator one. Certain staff worked on teacher review rubric over the course of the year in ODEprovided PD sessions, and adopted one based on the Danielson model. Board needs to adopt administrator review rubric. Karen and Jeff will work with Shouka to propose a draft for board adoption.
- Le Monde Programs LLC. We are working on staffing AFCA so that Dylan will be assisted by a M,W,F person and a Tu, Th person. Hopefully this will allow for occasional cross staffing to assist with absences. Still need to conduct an additional hire. Shouka plans to work with Dylan to provide some additional programs for earlyclosure days.
- Student Suspension and Expulsion Policy. We need to update our Suspension and Expulsion policy to take into account new requirements and also best practices to have certain due process concepts incorporated. Shouka will work on preparing a discussion draft.
- Executive Session. Human Resources issues were discussed.