Board Meeting
5:45-8:45 PM
Present: Jarod Hobbs, Shouka Rezvani, Jane Fabulet-Roberts, Nadia Delshad,
Dory Hobbs, Lynn Prince, Nicole Aas-Rouxparis, Karyn Warner and Robyn Pfeifer
Others: Inez Harmon
Adoption of July Minutes. Nicole moved, Dory seconded, all were in favor.
Adoption of Family Handbook. Shouka made edits to the family handbook, the board has two days to comment, and edits should be sent to the whole group with adoption by Thursday.
Enrollment and School Status Update. The temporary secretary started work today and is working on enrollment. We have several spots open and she will begin filling them from the waitlists. Le Monde will accept new students through third grade if class sizes are smaller than 22. In the meantime, Shouka moved to cap acceptance to the school at second grade and all were in favor.
Kitchen Situation Update and Discussion. In order to continue the meal program run by the current independent contractor, the school would need to locate a commercial kitchen. To upgrade the school kitchen would cost $25,000-$35,000under current bids. The one feasible rental space costs $25,000. An alternative to our current independent contractor running our own program is to purchase from a vendor and reheat on site, which would require a new refrigerator and freezer as well as dry storage space. The board determined that the best local vendor who meets our nutrition goals and organic/local source preferences is Fresh N Local. The board voted to work with Fresh N Local this year.
The expectation is that the lunchroom will be better regulated this year. Different grades will go to lunch at different times, so there will be fewer students in the room at one time. -
ELA Discussion
a. ELA curriculum discussion
The ELA teachers are to use the extra fifteen minutes of time added this year to work through the ELA program more intensively. Teachers will adhere to the prescribed methods of the program.
b. Inez was selected from the pool of ELA applicants to serve as curriculum director for ELA. She accepted the offer from the board to direct ELA instruction this year at a far-below market salary. Karyn abstained from the vote to offer this position. It is a yearlong commitment. Inez will model teaching methods, observe and assess teachers and students, and serve as a mentor to less experienced staff. Nadia will add Inez to the website. Funding permitting, the school will offer in-class clustering with hopefully fewer than 1:12 ratio in FLA, ELA, and Math
c. ELA curriculum purchase Karyn is to order the next round of ELA books, rather than rely on printing from purchased CD-ROMS. -
Employee Handbook – the board contributed information to the employee handbook for review and discussion.
Executive Session—Employment Matters (60 min)