Le Monde Immersion
Board Meeting Minutes
Mercy Corp, 45 SW Ankeny, Portland OR
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Called to order at 5:54pm.
In attendance:
Board: Shouka Rezvani (non-voting), Karen Kitchen, Ben Melix-Stanciu, Ali Garfinkle, Michal McCamman, Dory Hobbs, Jarod Hobbs, PA members
- Approval of February board minutes.
- School Report
Parfait Bassale, an artist from West Africa (from a variety of countries) performed recently at school. The performer writes and performs music in French and talks a lot about empathy. This particular presentation focused on how to be a metaphorical bridge between people to help to foster positive relationships and inclusive atmosphere.
Some middle school students participated in the climate strike. The school provided context with reading materials, and the students researched and created posters and then “striked” during a specified part of the day. The Middle School History teacher has a PhD focus in the history of climate change, and he helped provide resources and context for the fourth graders and older students.
International Day was fairly well attended. Good food/sharing and many people expressed interest in performing next year. Middle School choir elective sang a few songs and did a great job!
OBOB Middle School team placed 7th in state! Great job!
The 5th, 6th, 7th grades participated in Junior Achievement’s Biz Town and had an excellent day! Biz Town includes a preliminary curriculum about the economy and basic personal finance. Thanks to the parent volunteers who participated in training, and kudos to Beth who did a lot of the behind the scenes organizing our participation.
Shouka has completed teacher reviews and is pleased to report positive communication and morale among the staff.
On a less positive note, we have found the need to adopt a suicide prevention plan. Oregon is one of three states that doesn’t require schools to have a plan, but current legislation might change this. Shouka is reaching out to the district and the bill sponsors to ask what they recommend. Working on getting something to present. Recommending K – 8 attention and also focusing on more vulnerable populations. We can include information and resources in the Family Handbook. This is an area we want to adopt thoughtfully.
The first round of DELF exams is coming up soon. Middle School grades will take the A2 DELF Prim. Eventually all students will take the B1. There is a cost associated with this, but since Le Monde is administering the exam the cost will be less. French teachers are responding positively because it is providing a benchmark for the kids to work towards.
The Kindergarten lottery is complete, with a total of about 130 applicants (many in and out of district). The process seemed to go smoothly this year and currently there is a good waiting list.
- Parent Group Report
Staff Appreciation Week is coming up in the beginning of May. There is currently a Sign Up Genius for brunch on Monday, followed by cards, flowers, gift baskets for teachers, cocktail hour on Friday after school for the teachers and staff.
The Science Fair coming up on Wednesday April 24, and preparations are moving along nicely.
- Intern Committee Report
The interns and host families seem to be doing well. Starting to advertise for host families for next year – Shouka will put an article in the next newsletter and Ali will reach out to families who have expressed interest previously. Interested families can find additional information on the Le Monde website and can reach out to Ali for additional questions. The school will start to hear soon from the agency about applicants for next year.
Candidates are already lining up and Le Monde is feeling the love!
- Facility Discussion
The school continues to move ahead. Hazmat testing is the next step, and we are currently conducting these tests. The tenants will remain next door until June.
- IB Report
Shouka is setting up training for August with IB professional trainers to train Le Monde teachers. Beth continues to do mini trainings at staff meetings, but the big training will take place in August. Ben asks if the interns are able to participate in this, Shouka says yes if they all arrive. NCI training and CPR/first aid training will repeat again during August training weeks for staff, since training is good for one year only.
- Financial and Fundraising Update/Budget 2019/2020 Approval
The board reviewed the Q3 profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and other financials. The school is still in the hard part of the year in terms of state distributions, since March is a short month. Every year our cash flow situation is better than the year before. The 2019/2020 budget was approved.
- Le Monde Programs LLC Discussion
The LLC continues to run well, although there was small delay in the billing because of spring break. In the next week or so it will become clear the size of the gap between invoices and payments. Ben mentions that he didn’t have to make any calls to families, so the gap isn’t huge. Ideas discussed about leaving check or credit card authorization.
Starting September 1, Jarod mentions he has someone who can take on the admin of LMP LLC and Atlas will sponsor it. Sydney will contact Shouka directly. She can come to school for some training and then she can check in at different points during the year. They will look for a very simple book keeping platform for them to use.
- Executive Discussion
Board discussed HR issues.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:45pm