Board Meeting
@Tonkon Torp LLP-1600 Pioneer Tower, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland
April 14, 2015
5:45-8:00 PM
Present: Dory Hobbs, Jeff Scott, Shouka Rezvani, Karyn Warner, Nicole Aas-Rouxparis
Absent: Karen Kitchen, Jarod Hobbs
Educators present: Chantal Dufour-Martel, Stephanie Nicollet, Jessica Beaujault
- Board voted to approve March Board Minutes and confirm approval of Academic Calendar for 2015/2016. All in favor.
Events: International Day plans were discussed. A parent indicated that he would like to spearhead a new Science Fairformat involving student-prepared science projects. Shouka requested that he coordinate with David Maxey as Chair of the Le Monde Parent group. This is planned to take place over two days next year, with proposals likely due in November and the actual fair sometime in February. This will be an after school event primarily parent/student driven. Spectacle is going to be a musical in French written by Ross Gulko. Shouka is going to determine if one of the art consultants could work with the classrooms to create props, scenery and costume pieces to supplement the show. If an art consultant is unable to do it, then parents will be requested to volunteer. Games Day has been booked at Wallace Park and other arrangements made. Shouka will coordinate t-shirts for Games Day with teachers.
- School Update from Chantal:
- Chantal is conducting the second round of annual teacher evaluations, which include a self-evaluation provided by the teachers.
- Attendant to PBIS implementation the teachers did a pre-survey and are now doing a postimplementation evaluation. Chantal feels the teachers need additional individual supports for implementing PBIS at the classroom level. Board discussed sending the teachers to CHAMP training or bringing in a PBIS trainer. Chantal will try to determine if PPS has any training supports. Shouka will contact the NW PBIS Network.
- RtI monitoring is occurring weekly, and some additional students are receiving interventions after the second round of parent-teacher conferences. Concerns regarding inadequate special education assistance from PPS and possible additional supports were discussed.
- The curriculum committee met and is ordering materials. Chantal will prepare a summary of curriculum requests for next academic year for approval against budget.
- Staff trainings for next August are being scheduled.
- There will be a Volunteer Appreciation Day on June 10.
- The testing and assessment schedule for the remainder of the year was discussed. MAP tests in Math and Reading will be conducted in April (FLA teachers will proctor exams). Third Grade Smarter Balanced
Testing will occur in May. IDAPEL and DIBELS assessments will occur in June. - On behalf of the teachers Jessica expressed a desire to have dental insurance coverage.
- The Facility Committee discussed potential locations being discussed. Shouka indicated that currently two possible facilities are under consideration. The Facility Committee continues to welcome any input regarding possible facilities, but requests that all parties direct those options to Shouka so that we can be sure not to have multiple parties approaching the same facilities.
- Dory has been following up with the visa sponsor for the interns for next year. There are certain steps the interns will need to take to share their culture as part of the visa process. International Day might be a great place for them to do that. Host families are needed and Dory will schedule an information session about hosting that she will coordinate with parent Ali Garfinkle.
- The Profit and Loss Statement (Budget to Actual Year to Date) through March and the Balance Sheet were reviewed. Fundraising goals continue not to be met, though conservative budgeting and a reduction in expenses have kept the budget on track. Q3 financials will be due to PPS by the end of April, and Shouka will work with the bookkeeper to finalize those for board approval prior to their due date.
- Employment matters were discussed.