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March 2016:Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes
@Tonkon Torp LLP, 888 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 March 8, 2016
5:45-8:00 PM

Board Members Present: Dory Hobbs, Jarod Hobbs, Karen Kitchen, Jeff Scott, Shouka Rezvani, Nicole Aas- Rouxparis
Board Members Absent: Karyn Warner
Admin and Teachers Present: Chantal Dufour-Martel, Maeva Garcia, Bernadette Regnier-Busch

  1. Approve February Board Minutes. Unanimous approval.
  2. School Update from Chantal
      1. The staff have engaged in building security training and lockdown drills.
      2. Teachers are taking attendance on Synergy, to reduce duplication of efforts and reduce likelihood of mistakes on attendance.
      3. Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up. Discussion was had regarding including students in these in the future.
      4. Smarter-Balanced Testing is coming up.
      5. Discussion was had regarding need for additional computers for testing and other testing needs. Existing computers are having issues. Approved acquisition of 5 more computers. K-2nd grade want to do their testing in the gym, while the other classrooms are electing to test in the classrooms. A second computer charging “cow” would be helpful.
      6. Chantal feels that additional staff needs to be trained to assist with Dibels and Idapel testing. Requested using hall monitors, but those staff members are needed for other duties. Need for additional staff for training noted.
      7. The staff is working on a proposed French Language Arts scope and sequence of instruction.
      8. Discussion of testing schedule for next year. Board requests that teachers work with Chantal to provide a suggested testing schedule. Discussion regarding having beginning, mid and end of year MAPS testing, and providing these results to parents. Discussion regarding the possible ways that teachers might provide objective reports of student progress throughout the year, including providing test and quiz results, sending home weekly homework folders, etc. Board requested that staff consider and make suggestions regarding the best way to provide regular objective feedback to parents regarding individual student achievement and report back with plans.
  3. Equity and Inclusivity in Education Committee Update. The Committee is working on having a gender identity and sex education presentation for parents in June, facilitated by professional facilitators.
  4. Facility Discussion. At this point it is looking like placing portables in the parking lot is the best solution for additional classroom spaces. Shouka is going to work on getting the appropriate city and building code approvals. She has identified a local portables company who has a two classroom portable on hold for us. Board approved signing a portables lease contingent upon getting appropriate city/code approvals.
  5. Financial Review. Q3 financials reviewed and approved. Finances continue to be tight (budget negative), in direct correlation to under enrollment. The Read-A-Thon garnered good income. Shouka was also able to obtain two grants from community members, one a private donor affiliated with a private foundation and one from the Starseed Foundation. A direct solicitation from third grade families also generated significant donations including some corporate matches. Fundraising will need to continue at an accelerated pace in order to meet budgeted expenses this year. Accountants are working on tax returns and Shouka will provide to boardfor review and approval prior to submission. Board approved 2016/2017 budget for submission to PPS, and year-to-date disbursements from Le Monde Programs LLC to Le Monde Immersion.
  6. Middle School Planning. Fourth grade parents have asked to meet with Shouka to discuss the school’s plans for middle school. She will relay existing plans and gather feedback on things that parents in the highest grade are looking for in terms of a middle school experience.
  7. Calendar Adoption/Instructional Hours. A calendar and instructional hours were proposed by Chantal and Terry. Shouka raised that a few parents have asked about having a shorter day, and others have asked about having school year round. After discussion the board elected not to change the day and decided that a discussion regarding year-round school would need to be made at least a year out. Noted that staff would not be receptive to this idea, and prior to investing much time into such a plan there would need to be a survey of staff and parents. Discussion about year-round school tabled pending surveys, research and analysis into feasibility. Final calendar will be circulated to board for approval prior to submission due date April 1.
  8. Executive Session. Human Resources issues discussed.